Newcastle, Tillerman's, Jimmy's and Last evening in Sydney...

I'm home on the sofa with my blanket and too jet lagged to make separate posts for the last few days so here it all goes in one final blog ! :-P

Newcastle : After dropping 'the kids' off at the train for their journey home we decided to check-out Knobby Point in Newcastle.  The waves were crashing over the pathway and there were some REALLY kamikaze surfers out there.  We decided to hang around and watch for awhile and took some photos since these waves were some of the biggest I've ever seen.  We also went up to take a quick peek at Fort Scratchley which was a former coastal defense installation.

Tillerman's : We took our hosts out for a delicious French dinner at TIllerman's.  The owners of this restaurant spend part of the year doing wine and culinary tours in France and the rest of the time they are in the tiny little community of Hawks Nest, Australia spoiling the locals and tourists with really extraordinaire meals.  The duck and mushroom pie was AMAZING !

Jimmy's Beach : Gorgeous Sunny Day ... enough said.

Sydney Opera Bar : What to do when you have Australian cash left over burning a hole in your pocket...go to the Opera House Bar and people watch for a few hours.

What a great trip ! THANKS so much to Family Pidcock, Wellington, New Zealand and to Duffy and Bev, Sydney, Australia.
Your generosity hosting us was overwhelming and made our trip so perfect.  BIG CANADIAN BEAR HUGS to all of you !

He who dies with the most Experiences wins.